Office politics can be a tricky subject to navigate, especially in the IT industry. It is a complex web of relationships between colleagues, employers, and clients that can have a significant impact on workplace dynamics. Office politics can be used to gain favor or influence decisions, but it can also create tension and conflict in the office. Sphere IT an IT Specialist, speaks about how to handle office politics in the Tech Industry.

Understanding office politics in the IT industry is essential for anyone looking to advance their career or gain an edge over their competition. With the right knowledge and skills, you can use office politics to your advantage and build strong relationships with colleagues and employers alike.

Tips to help you deal with politics in the IT support company office
Take your time to understand the psychology of your co-workers and elders

The first step is to understand the people around you, what they are looking to achieve, and what they think of the organization. Everyone likes to be heard and paying attention to what they have to say will help you gain their trust.

You must be nice to everyone

This applies to large organizations because there is always the opportunity to work with new people or new teams at any time. In smaller offices, static groups don’t typically change. However, being nice and friendly in general will help you a lot, as it can create allies for you who can provide information when needed. Staying consistent and standing up for things you see fit will also help people understand you and eventually earn their respect.

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Analysis of the organizational structure and the informal network

Office politics can be complex and cut across the formal organizational structure, so prepare, watch, and try to understand how your office works. Instead of focusing on job titles or rankings in your company,  you should study who has a real influence on the political dynamics in the office. This can help you understand where power and influence lie by examining the relationship between people and mapping their networks. Also, notice who messes with who and who is a troublemaker. Consider the motivation behind your communication, whether it’s based on respect, friendship, romance, or any other reason.

Document your business

Being genuine and not willing to get involved in politics doesn’t mean that people will allow you to be. It will inevitably drag you into political campaigns. It could be somebody trying to be curious about your work or misbehaving behind your back. It’s tempting to reveal these people in general, but it’s important not to react. Document your work carefully and be smarter. Keep your bosses or co-workers informed about what you’ve done. Thus when your production is in question, you can always prove yourself.

Office politics can make life difficult for everyone. But through patience, observation, and better choices, it is possible to survive. In addition, you can overcome negative influences and even change the way they occur.